Monday, September 22, 2008

Since you asked. . .

about birthing, I will go ahead and give you my 2 cents. With all 7 of my children, I have home birthed, and let me tell you, you are completely CHEATING yourself if you're not going the home birth route.
First of all, how do you think our ancestors brought children into this world? At a hospital, strapped down with tubes and monitors? No. They had their babies at home, sometimes with a midwife, sometimes without.
Second: do you really trust your body in the hands of doctors? The same people who would vaccinate your children? Let's not live under the guise that there is such a thing as a "mandatory" c-section. They are ALL voluntary. Do you WANT to limit the number of children you will have because your doctor decided on a c-section to get more money out of you?
Third: Do you REALLY want your birthplan to be respected? The only way to ensure that your birthplan is honored it is to homebirth.

On to the rewards:
1. Having my children at home allows my entire family to be part of this wonderful experience. My older children have been able to witness the miracle of their sibling's birth.
2. You have the opportunity to feel every pain and experience EVERY aspect of childbirth. You will then KNOW that your body can handle it. And you'll be so proud of yourself afterward. And believe me, clean up isn't that bad.

Wrapping it up, my husband has decided to deliver our twins this next go around. He took veterinary classes back in high school, and he's studying up (he's helped deliver a calf before). One day, I'll be able to tell my boys, "Your daddy delivered you." What sweeter experience can I give them & myself than that?

I suppose now's a good time to mention that I am certified to teach natural child birth classes. If you're interested, email me and let me know. The class is once a week for 6 weeks, and it's only $350. Thanks!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Paper or Plastic? OR. . . Cloth??

Are you a first time mommy, wondering whether to go the regular (lazy) route of disposable diapering, or to cloth diaper? Let me help sway you on the matter.
Studies show a link between disposable diapers and INFERTILITY. This alone should give you reason enough to steer clear of the diaper aisle. Cloth diapers were the way they did it back in the day. It only adds a load or two a week to your laundry-- and you'll never be out of diapers again. Plus, what could be better than saving the environment? It's worth it! Stop being lazy!

Preschool?? OR DAYCARE?

As school's started up for just about everyone, I have to share my feelings on schools. Particularly preschools. It's so clearly just daycare!!! Your kids don't need to be going to school at the age of 3. Come on. Why not start a part time job while your child's at "preschool"? Where do you we draw the line, mommys? When do we get the one on one time? You know, I'm just feeling like it's pure, simple laziness.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Say BOO to Boosters!

Gosh it's been a long time since I posted! The mommy in me feels again the need to speak out. I need to start up a campaign against vaccinations, and what better way then to get in the halloween spirit of things? SAY BOO TO BOOSTERS! None of my children have been vaccinated, and they NEVER get sick. Vaccinations are more dangerous for children then the illness they supposedly stop is! Would you rather have your child get the chicken pox, or autism? Wake up parents! Don't let your doctor tell you what's best for your child. Only YOU know!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tough Love

It's been a while since I've posted! We've just been having too much fun in the Smith household, and we're busy busy busy. But I have to make time for this thought, while I'm thinking of it. I think it'll really help parents out there who struggle.
There's been a lot of reverence issues with other children in our church lately. It's just far too noisy Sundays! Here's where I'm going to have to give a little bit of tough love. Are your kids struggling to behave during church? Want it resolved?

Throw AWAY your T.V.'s. Yes, you heard me right. The Smith household doesn't own one T.V. It's the reasons for your children's inability to hold still and concentrate. Well, that and video games. Video games have NO place in a home with children. None. I wouldn't have a computer, in fact, if it weren't for keeping in touch with family.

Don't believe me? Try it out. Get rid of your T.V.'s, or at the very least, turn them off for a week. No movies, no video games, no extra media of any kind, nothing. You are inadvertently teaching your child that they just always be entertained. That's why your kids can't be quiet and hold still during church! It's the reason for ADHD! I don't bring ANYTHING with me for church. Nothing. Nada. My kids sit on their chairs, and they don't get off until it's time for sunday school.

Wondering what to do with all that extra time you have now that you're not wasting your life in front of the T.V.? It's time to do something actually useful and SPEND TIME with your kids. Do what we did: teach them an instrument. Now we have jam sessions. It's called bonding time, folks.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

My Daughter Honor, making me feel truly honored.

I just had to share the sweet, sweet moment I had with my oldest daughter, Honor. She had an experience at school today that just brings a tear to my eye in sorrow when I think on it. She has a great group of girls that she plays with, but today at lunch, her friend made a wrong choice, and Honor was there to stand up for what she believed in. She purchased a coke at the vending machines today. Not a caffeine free one. I think she might have done it out of peer pressure- I'm just not sure- but the point is, Honor stood up for her beliefs. She truly believes "in all times, & in all places", and she took her friend aside and kindly let her know that she did know better, and that Honor just wasn't sure if they could stay friends right now.

I'm HONORED to be her mother.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Our We Ladies in the Gospel or Not?

As I was sitting in sunday school, I had an aha moment as a sister slipped out with a fussy baby. She headed out to nurse her sweet little one in the mother's lounge, and the thought came to me: why does this precious daughter need to leave? Is nursing wrong? Of course not! Are we all not women in the gospel? Aren't we meant to "work together"? If this sweet sister nursed next to me, I would not be ashamed. It's a beautiful thing! Something we should NOT shrink from! Who could possibly be offended? I truly believe it needs to be brought up; I really, really do.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A Few Thoughts On Our Health.

As we're right in the middle of the flu season, and I see family after family sick, missing out on church, their children's activities, and so forth, I want to let everyone in on a little secret. My kids are never sick. NEVER. Now I truly believe that it's a gift that I knew the importance of nursing, and I do nurse until my children are at least 3. But if you have already made that mistake of NOT nursing, please PLEASE heed my next warning. We KNOW that herbs are for our use. We KNOW this. If you're taking your herbs when you need to be, and LISTENING to your bodies, you can ward off anything that comes your way. You can't do this alone, though-- it takes help from your herbologist to know exactly what you need.

And one more thing. 2 words for you: liquid silver. One tablespoon a day. You know the old adage: "an apple a day". More appropriately, it should be "one tablespoon at noon!"