Saturday, September 20, 2008

Preschool?? OR DAYCARE?

As school's started up for just about everyone, I have to share my feelings on schools. Particularly preschools. It's so clearly just daycare!!! Your kids don't need to be going to school at the age of 3. Come on. Why not start a part time job while your child's at "preschool"? Where do you we draw the line, mommys? When do we get the one on one time? You know, I'm just feeling like it's pure, simple laziness.


Anonymous said...

Do your kids know the alphabet before they are in 3rd grade?

Anonymous said...

I hope your blog is a joke. I linked to you from a comment you left on seriouslysoblessed because I wanted to see if you were for real. (that one, by the way, IS a SATIRE)

Anonymous said...

I also checked out your blog from the link on seriouslysoblessed, which is hilarious. Your blog is too, but in a totally different way. You were homeschooled as a child, weren't you?