Monday, September 22, 2008

Since you asked. . .

about birthing, I will go ahead and give you my 2 cents. With all 7 of my children, I have home birthed, and let me tell you, you are completely CHEATING yourself if you're not going the home birth route.
First of all, how do you think our ancestors brought children into this world? At a hospital, strapped down with tubes and monitors? No. They had their babies at home, sometimes with a midwife, sometimes without.
Second: do you really trust your body in the hands of doctors? The same people who would vaccinate your children? Let's not live under the guise that there is such a thing as a "mandatory" c-section. They are ALL voluntary. Do you WANT to limit the number of children you will have because your doctor decided on a c-section to get more money out of you?
Third: Do you REALLY want your birthplan to be respected? The only way to ensure that your birthplan is honored it is to homebirth.

On to the rewards:
1. Having my children at home allows my entire family to be part of this wonderful experience. My older children have been able to witness the miracle of their sibling's birth.
2. You have the opportunity to feel every pain and experience EVERY aspect of childbirth. You will then KNOW that your body can handle it. And you'll be so proud of yourself afterward. And believe me, clean up isn't that bad.

Wrapping it up, my husband has decided to deliver our twins this next go around. He took veterinary classes back in high school, and he's studying up (he's helped deliver a calf before). One day, I'll be able to tell my boys, "Your daddy delivered you." What sweeter experience can I give them & myself than that?

I suppose now's a good time to mention that I am certified to teach natural child birth classes. If you're interested, email me and let me know. The class is once a week for 6 weeks, and it's only $350. Thanks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know I'm in for that! Sign me up, girl!